The most protective items you can find.
We at Smart-EMF proudly present our collection of Radiation Blocking
Apparel and other EMF Protection items that will lower and even eliminate all EMF surrounding us. It comes in two main versions: The Pure-Silver Fiber™
linen and the Pro-Metal Fiber™ linen. Both are exceptionally
well crafted and comfortable to wear and use.

EMF Sources at home
Our homes are filled with EMF sources from all sources that appear in the pic (TV, Mobile Phones, Computers, RC, Radio, Wi-Fi, Baby Monitor, Microwave Oven, Lightning, Power Line, Smart Meter and Electrical Wiring). And these days all these appliances are crutial for our everyday life. With that being said, it's known today, that many people suffer from EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) and all of these sources and the EMF emmited by them can be a discomfort, to say the least.
Home emf protection
Actually that is easier than it sounds - try to unplug all the emf emitting devices, or simple remove all these devices away from the room.
OR, simply paint your room with our EMF blocking paint and use our bed canopy.

EMF Protective Canopies

EMF from personal devices
it has been established that EMF radiation that is emitted from personal devices can be harmful.
here you will be able to find the items that will help you do decrease and even to eliminate these emisions.